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MLB Network
Pennant Chase / Postseason Campaign
A group of producers and I were tasked with developing individual concepts for MLB Network's on-air Pennant Chase coverage. It also had to have enough legs to be used for Postseason branding and game packaging. During our pitch meeting, I presented a War Table idea that everyone gravitated towards. We eventually contracted Perception for the shoot and final execution. Below are the reference photos I pitched and the final concept.
The idea was to incorporate the MLB Tonight analysts around a futuristic war table. The shape of the war table was to be round like a pitcher's mound and have hi-tech HUD elements pop up that they could interacted with. I also wanted to shoot this in "Studio 42" at MLB Network so that we could use the baseball field environment to support the theme. Another idea I came up with is how the war table was to eventually activate. Having one of the analysts step onto home plate (which is the same shape as the MLB Network logo) as they walked into the room, really helped tie everything together.



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